What is a Family Group?
A ‘Family Group’ is made up of approximately 12 families within a parish who meet socially with the aim being friendship, fun and support. The Passionist Family Group Movement was started by the late Fr Peter McGrath in NSW in 1972. Family Groups were introduced to Our Lady of the Pines 35 years ago. We now have 14 groups, all going strong. Each group is encouraged to get together for a social activity once a month, sometimes with the children and at other times only with the adults.
These gatherings allow people to get to know one another, and then in natural ways, group members begin to create bonds with others. With the building of bonds comes the opportunity to form friendships, have fun, extend acceptance and support, and quite simply and joyfully experience Christian life with others. The emphasis is on low-cost enjoyment and allowing everyone to feel a part of the “family”’.
Can anyone join?
The simple answer is YES. The Family Group motto is “A FAMILY FOR ALL”. All are welcome: families, singles, old, young, divorced, separated. At OLOP we try to group families with children of similar ages.
What can a Family Group do for you?
Family Groups are a fantastic way to meet people in your parish. Whether you have your own extended family nearby or not, everyone can benefit. The kids grow up together and both adults and kids form firm friendships.
Do I have to be a Church-goer?
No, you do not have to be a church-goer. Family Groups see their priority as living faith in practical day-to-day ways and follow the Christian ethos of acceptance of everyone and treating others as you wish to be treated.
Do I have to be holy?
You just have to be yourself!
What sort of Activities are there?
Each group decides on its own activities and these will vary depending on the make-up of the group. Suggestions are: picnics, pot luck dinners, bowling, theme nights, movie nights, fancy dress parties, laser tag, Bounce, pub or restaurant meals.
Here’s what some of our members have to say:
‘I always have someone to call in an emergency if I can’t get to school to pick up the kids.’
‘Many of us have kids the same age, so it’s great to be able to swap stories and have that extra support.’
‘We always have such a laugh at our functions each month. It’s also great to see the kids growing up over the years and having fun together.’
‘I was hospitalised for a few weeks and Family Group members organised for meals to be dropped off to my family when I was in hospital and afterwards, while I was convalescing at home.’
‘Our group has been together for over 30 years and have always been there to support each other through the good times and the bad. Our bond will always be there as we continue to share many laughs and tears in the coming years’.
How do I Join a Family Group?
If you would like to join a Family Group, or simply want to know more about it, please contact Peter & Kath Given through the Parish Office on 0473 873 479.
You can also find more information on the Passionist Family Group Movement website at www.pfgm.org