The name “Our Lady of the Pines” was chosen due to the many pine trees which were on site at that time. As all of the neighbouring parishes had the name of a male Saint, it was decided that the new parish would honour Our Lady, hence “Our Lady of the Pines”.
It was not long before the school families quickly demonstrated a strong desire to worship together each Sunday and as a result, Sunday Mass was celebrated in the school community area each week. Before and after each Mass many people were needed to set up and clear away chairs and the Altar table. This activity started to bond the community together. As the community expanded there was an obvious need for a more substantial church building suitable for weddings, funerals and Mass attendance.
After a number of years, many meetings by an energetic committee, some robust fund-raising and external funding, the idea came to fruition. The parish of Our Lady of the Pines was formally established by Archbishop Frank Little on 25 January 1989 and the Worship Centre blessed and opened on the 17th June 1990.
It is a multi-purpose building, used for Masses, other religious functions, and school events, as well as a social hub for the community. There is an adjoining chapel which is used for week day Masses and quiet prayer time for parishioners. The tabernacle is located in the chapel, allowing the Worship Centre to be used for functions other than religious ceremonies.