Message and Photos from Bishop Peter, Diocese of Sultanpet, India
Our Parish Priest, Fr Jerald, comes to us from the Diocese of Sultanpet in India. This is a relatively new diocese, created by Pope Francis on 28th December, 2013, to provide for the spiritual and practical needs of this region. The diocese’s first Bishop, Antonysamy Peter Abir, was appointed on the same day. Bishop Peter’s episcopal motto gives insight to the Diocese of Sultanpet’s mission, “Broken to Build”. He said “we hope to uplift the life of the most vulnerable, the poorest, the disadvantaged and the neglected of the society.”
In November 2014 we were honoured to host Bishop Peter at Our Lady of the Pines. He said Masses for us and told us of the plight of his diocese which is in a very poor area and in need of much financial assistance. We took up a collection for him at our Sunday Masses and also held a ‘Bollywood’ Night to raise funds. We are happy to advise that we raised enough money to allow Bishop Peter to purchase land on which to build a school. He advised that nuns would be asked to run the school as well as a small medical facility for minor ailments. Below is a letter from Bishop Peter expressing his gratitude along with photos from Athupathy, a village in his diocese.
Dear Mr. Peter Given,
(Parish council Chairperson)
(Parish council Chairperson)
Greetings from Bishop Antonysamy Peter Abir, Diocese of Sultanpet, India.
I am happy to send this mail after quite some time. My heavy schedule in the diocese and meetings outside made me so late. Sorry.
We have been doing many programmes for the women and youth. In particular we have taken much effort to solve the water problem in this area. We have to fight with the local Government.
As regard the school education: we have already started some efforts in Athupathy about which I spoke to you. We have brought the Rev. Sisters (Congregation of the Teresian Carmelite Sisters) and we have built a small building, for the moment, to be used as a primary school. They conduct English medium- LKG for some children but teach English for all the children. By next academic year we are planning to extend the school here in this remote rural area. We shall also build a bigger structure for the school here. Now we are in the raining season here. After the raining season the work will start, that is, after the month of October. (I am enclosing some photos of Athupathy).
We are also planning to start another English medium primary school at Kozhinjampara area. Fr. Jerald knows about this.
I am very thankful to you for your kind support in this regard. Your efforts are fruitful in imparting good education to the poor and underprivileged children.
May God bless you and your family.
Kind regards to all the members of the parish,
Yours fraternally in Christ,
Antonysamy Peter Abir,
Diocese of Sultanpet.
May God bless you and your family.
Kind regards to all the members of the parish,
Yours fraternally in Christ,
Antonysamy Peter Abir,
Diocese of Sultanpet.

“Never see a need without doing something about it.”
St Mary MacKillop