Our Commitment to Ensure a Child Safe Environment for All

Our Lady of the Pines Donvale holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children as a fundamental responsibility of our parish. This commitment is drawn from, and inherent to, the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the dignity of each human person at the heart of the Gospel.
A culture of safety within our parish ensures that children can actively and fully participate in the life of the Church and realise their potential in a faith community.
Our Commitment
Our parish is committed to upholding the safety and dignity of each child and young person and ensuring that they are able to grow and develop in a caring and supportive environment within our parishes.
Our parish is committed to ensuring that all persons who have, or may be expected to have, contact with children and young people acknowledge their responsibility to safeguard children and young people from abuse and discrimination.
Child Safe Policy
Our parish adopts the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy developed by the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
We are working towards ensuring that all clergy, staff, parish volunteers, and regular contractors hold a current Working With Children Check. Clergy, staff, and selected parish volunteers will also be required to hold a valid Police Check.
All clergy, staff, parish volunteers, regular contractors and facilities hirers will also be provided with Safeguarding Children and Young People Code of Conduct documentation. They will also be required to sign a declaration that they have read, understood, and commit to abiding by the Code.
The Parish Office will keep up to date records of WWCC and police checks, as well as the signed Declaration for the Safeguarding Children and Young People Code of Conduct.
All clergy, staff, and parish volunteers will be required to attend a training session on Child Safety annually. In addition, those with direct contact with children and young people will be required to attend an additional training session once every three years. Both training sessions will be facilitated by the Archdiocese of Melbourne’s Professional Standards Unit.
Reporting and Responding to Child Abuse
Each and every one of us has a duty of care to protect children and young people from harm, and respond to and report all concerns, allegations or complaints of child-safe related misconduct and/or child abuse.
Please click on the button below for information on reporting abuse or safety-related misconduct:
Safeguarding Committee
The Safeguarding Committee of joint parishes Ss Peter and Paul and Our Lady of the Pines comprise of the following members:
Fr Jerald Mariadas – Parish Priest
Maria Carey – Pastoral Worker, OLOP
Annewee Tan – Parishioner, SSPP
Kathy Stewart – Parishioner, OLOP
Please click on the button below for more information on the role and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Committee: