The OLOP Youth Group meets on the first Sunday of each month during school terms from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm, with a meal served. Activities include spiritual enrichment, craft, games, sports, music, experience sharing and community outreach etc. Both the junior and senior groups will be running at the same time. We aim to provide a safe and fun environment for our youth to grow their faith, build friendships and contribute to the wider community.
If you or your children or grandchildren are interested, please contact the Parish Office on 0473 873 479 or email
Youth Group Recycling Program
Our Youth Group is currrently conducting an oral care Recycling Program with the recycling company, TerraCycle.
Our Youth Group is currrently conducting an oral care Recycling Program with the recycling company, TerraCycle.
We would be most appreciative if parishioners could help this recycling drive by bringing along their oral care product packaging to place in the collection boxes which are located in the church foyer.
For further information about this program, please click on the following link:
Youth Group 2020 Christmas Party
Thanks to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, we finally had a chance to get together for a Christmas party on Sunday, 6th December, in time for the last event of 2020!! Despite not seeing each other for nine months, friendships had not diminished and it was non-stop chattering throughout the two and a half hours.
The party commenced with the usual Peace Rosary led by Fr Jerald, followed by three activities, a scrumptious meal and finishing with Christmas carols and of course, cracking the Christmas crackers! It was lovely to see the party was thoroughly enjoyed by 14 junior and senior members, as well as the adults. A big thank you to everyone who helped make our Christmas Party a success! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday ahead. See you again in 2021! Below are some videos and photos taken on the day.

And finally…………………………
Fr Jerald setting a good example to the Youth of our Parish!!

On 15th November, 2020, the Youth Group had another lovely gathering via Zoom.
Everyone had a ball and we would like to thank our youth leaders for a well organised event! We would also like to thank Fr Jerald for joining us at the gathering to provide spiritual guidance to our youth and sharing fun with us during the game session!

Youth Group Zoom Gathering – 11 October
On Sunday 11th October, 2020, the Youth Group had its first catch up via Zoom since the lockdown in March this year. It was great to see and hear that everyone is doing well, despite the tough lockdown situation.
The gathering commenced with an opening prayer by Fr Jerald, followed by a Peace Rosary led by all members present, two group games, a video and discussion and finished with a closing prayer by Fr Jerald.
2019 Christmas Party
On the 1st December, 2019, the Youth Group held a Christmas Party, which was very well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Everyone had so much fun constructing either a gingerbread house or train as an activity at the party. It was so good to see the Christmas spirit during the party with everyone being involved in either food preparation, venue decoration, setting up tables and helping each other with the building activity before a prayer and a meal. We are certainly ready for the new phase of youth group next year! Below are some photos taken on the day:

Rosary Bead Making
At its November 2019 gathering, Youth Group members enjoyed making Rosary Beads to sell to parishioners to raise money towards the replacement of the carpet in the Worship Centre. So far over $500 has been raised from the sale of the Rosary Beads and the Youth Group would like to thank parishioners for their support in purchasing them. To the right are some photos of the Rosary Bead-making sessions in action!

Youth Group Mass
On Sunday, 6 October, 2019, the Mass was animated with the participation of our Youth Group members. From commentating to readings and music, the parish enjoyed a vibrant youth-led celebration. The occasion marked an exciting date too – the first anniversary of the Youth Group and the birth of the first ever youth band at OLOP! After Mass we mingled and shared a delicious cake over coffee with everyone to commemorate the anniversary. Marching into our second year, we are looking forward to seeing more youth involved in the parish, growth of the Youth Group, as well as more music from the youth band.
Below are some photos taken at the Youth Mass.

Youth Ministry Workshops

On 31 August, 2019, the Archdiocesean Office for Youth held a day of Youth Ministry Workshops at the Thomas Carr Centre in East Melbourne. Four members represented the OLOP Youth Group to take part in seven workshops over the course of the day. With each workshop covering a different aspect of running a Youth Ministry, we were inspired with vibrant ideas to grow the budding Youth Group at OLOP. We also had the chance to connect with other Youth Ministers from around Melbourne to share ideas and exchange advice. The day concluded with an interview and photo op with Archbishop Peter Comensoli. We hope to see more young people at Youth Group soon!